Dr Richard Etok
Doctor and Trainer in Medical Aesthetics
Dr Richard Etok has been perfecting his craft in Aesthetic Enhancements, Facial Balancing and Rejuvenation using a combination approach (dermal fillers, Botulinum toxin, Polynucleotides, threads and regenerative medicine therapy) since 2003. He uses an extensive range of minimally invasive techniques to achieve refreshed and natural-looking results. Renowned for his “less is more approach” Dr Richard’s passion for simple evidence-based, yet highly effective non-surgical procedures, has earned his clients’ trust and respect in a city where aesthetic standards are high. Richard personifies a solution to refined and rejuvenated skin, and he strives to create and deliver a tailor-made service to provide you with natural-looking results. Dr Richard trained and qualified as a dentist at the prestigious Guy’s Hospital in London. He has completed numerous postgraduate training courses in aesthetics around the world, including achieving a distinction for his Diploma in Aesthetic medicine, and he is currently undertaking a medical education course. He was based on Harley Street for many years, practicing alongside some of the world’s leading aestheticians. Now a trainer and educator, Dr Richard is proud to promote clinical excellence and safety across the UK in Botulinum toxin, filler and PLACL thread use. Dr Richard’s ability to treat a wide range of skin conditions, as well as enhancing and beautifying aging skin, makes him an invaluable asset to his clients. His bespoke treatments, coupled with a prescribed home care routine, will keep you looking flawless whilst improving your wellbeing. His philosophy is “Feel Beautiful. Inspire Confidence. Be You.”

Dr Jennifer Doyle
Aesthetician, Ophthalmologist & Oculoplastic Surgeon
Miss Jennifer Doyle is a consultant ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon based at The Clinic at Holland Park and at Milton Keynes University Hospital. She has a Bachelor’s in Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery with distinction, as well as a Master’s in Medical Sciences from the University of Oxford. She is the non-surgical lead clinician at The Clinic at Holland Park. She has completed a Level 7 diploma and served as a lead trainer for Harley Academy. BMBCH MA (OXON) L7CERT FRCOPHTH