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The Quiet Revolution

Why wild and why Ameela Polynucleotides?


(Wild Salmon DNA)

Other Manufacturers

(Farmed Fish DNA)

Quality: Ameela want to deliver consistent and natural products so we choose to use Wild Salmon to manufacture PDRN products. It is more expensive to manufacture from Wild Salmon, but we want the highest standards and best quality for our customers and with lowest risk.

Quality: In 2023, 100 million salmon and 4.9 million trouts died in farming. The causes are mainly infectious diseases, trauma and wounds, physiological causes, environmental conditions, pollution and more. This is a big concern for this industry.

Why Ameela chose Wild Salmon: Salmon has DNA that has the closest resemblance to human DNA found in nature - up to 95 %. Wild Salmon will therefore give the best results.Wild salmon is not subjected to medication, vaccines, chemicals, handling, man made one type of food the whole life cycle and caging.

Low quality and damaged DNA: The quality of sperm and DNA from farmed fish is much lower than from wild fish. Many studies the last 20-30 years have shown this.

A study from 2021: Glyphosate disrupts sperm quality and induced DNA damage of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm. Study published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C.

Wild fish: Wild fish chooses their own food, migrates as they want and has no risk of in breeding. Their immunesystem is normally very good and so is the sperm and DNA quality.

Death of farmed fish: Every 6th farmed fish dies from disease, and farmed fish is not healthy fish, but a fish full of chemicals and disease with poor DNA quality.

Manufactoring cost: It is more expensive to manufacture PDRN from Wild Salmon, but we want the highest standards and best quality for our customers and with lowest risk.

Manufacturing cost: Farmed fish DNA is much cheaper to manufacture. This makes the manufacturer able to have very low prices on their products.

Ethics: Farmed fish contributes to pollution of the sea. Residues from the food they are given, residues from dead fish and of chemicals and medication, circulates in the seas, and percipitates at the bottom of the oceans. Farmed fish must undergo sufferings Amedica does not want to contribute to.

Ethics: Using farmed fish contributes to pollution and sufferings of fish.

Study done on de-licing chemicals (DM) in farmed trout: Vet Med (Praha). 2024 Mar; 69(3): 77–83. Assessment of deltamethrin-induced DNA damage, neurotoxic and neuroimmune effects in the brain tissue of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario)

Risks and the importance of healthy Sperm and DNA: Our products are obtained from fresh and healthy nucleotides and DNA which are the safest there is for our skin and tissues, and which is a guarantee for the effect of the product.

Risks: We do not know by now how disrupted DNA, nucleotides and genetic mutations will affect the injected tissues. We dont know if there are any risks involved or if the product has a positive effect on the tissue at all.

Long term effect: We want to make sure that what is injected is the purest form of DNA. This way we minimize any long term risks and we make sure the tissue recognizes the PDRN injected so it can be utilized in the desired chemical reactions in our skin.

Long term effect: Can we be sure damaged DNA injected into the tissue will give the reactions we want and that there are no long term negative effects? Study from 2011 on damaged DNA, published in Aquaculture: “Assessment of Oxidatively generated DNA damage in rainbow trout fed with different lipid sources”

Concludes that several different fatty acids given to farmed trout, damages their DNA.

Important to know: DNA repair in fish is much slower than in mammals, and this makes the importance of extracting DNA from healthy sperm even more important.

DNA repair ability in fish is lower than in mammals, which indicates that damaged DNA in fish is poorly repaired: Study: DNA repair activity in fish and interest in ecotoxicology: A review

March 2013Aquatic Toxicology 134-135C(1):47-5


Quality Assurance and Consistent Results:

Wild Salmon DNA Offers Better Quality: Wild salmon DNA is much less likely to be damaged or genetically altered because it is not exposed to intensive farming conditions. Documented issues in farmed fish include DNA damage, primarily from exposure to various chemicals, stress, and environmental conditions.

Farmed Salmon DNA Risks: Significant DNA damage in farmed trout was noted, specifically due to oxidative stress and chemical exposure, as shown in the study from 2024 published in Agriculture Environment Interaction, which emphasized the severe DNA damages on farmed trout caused by fish farm effluents​(Salmon Research q016p189).s

Lower Long-Term Liability:

Wild Salmon DNA Reduces Safety Concerns: Since farmed salmon are exposed to large amounts of antibiotics and chemicals, the DNA extracted from them might carry risks of contamination that could lead to safety and liability concerns. Antibiotic resistance has also been found in these farmed fish, further highlighting the potential for harmful side effects​.

Farmed Salmon DNA Liability Risks: The extensive use of antibiotics and other chemicals in farming operations is a major factor in liability risks for products derived from farmed salmon. Overuse of such chemicals and antibiotics increases the potential for antibiotic resistance and health concerns, as outlined in the Seafish document on aquaculture diseases and chemicals​(Disease, Medicines and …).

Client Retention and Satisfaction:

Safe Long-Term Use: Ameela products are preferred due to the lack of DNA damage in wild salmon, which is critical for the safety and efficacy of polynucleotides in clinical applications. Damaged DNA may not integrate or react properly in human tissues, resulting in reduced effectiveness or adverse outcomes

Risk of DNA Damage with Farmed Salmon: The DNA of farmed salmon and trout shows significant damage from chemical exposure, which could compromise the effectiveness of any derived polynucleotides, leading to potential dissatisfaction among clients seeking reliable long-term results​(Salmon Research q016p189).

Market Differentiation:

Differentiation Through Quality: Ameela differentiates itself by using wild salmon DNA, ensuring a naturally higher quality product without the risks linked to farmed fish. This unique selling proposition allows Ameela to stand out in the competitive landscape of regenerative medicine products​(Dok1).

Challenges Faced by Competitors: Competitors using farmed fish face challenges in maintaining consistent quality, largely due to exposure to chemicals and antibiotics, which affects the reliability of DNA extracted. This variability complicates positioning these products as premium alternatives, making it difficult to justify high pricing​(Disease, Medicines and …).

Exclusive Appeal:

High-End Client Preference: Ameela's use of wild salmon DNA appeals to high-end clients who value safety, efficacy, and natural product sourcing. The DNA of wild salmon is less likely to be compromised, ensuring better compatibility with human receptors and cells, making it a preferred choice for discerning clients​.

Trust Issues with Farmed DNA: The use of antibiotics, chemicals, and the crowded conditions of farmed salmon can lead to compromised DNA quality and reduced product efficacy. This makes it difficult for manufacturers using farmed fish to build and maintain trust with clients who demand reliable and high-quality results​(Disease, Medicines and …).

Ameela — the Trusted Brand

Premium Positioning Through Quality Sourcing:

Ameela positions itself as a premium brand by avoiding the risks associated with farmed salmon, which often involves chemical and antibiotic treatments that could compromise DNA quality and affect product efficacy. The reasons why Ameela uses wild salmon are clearly outlined to ensure high-quality DNA without the negative effects from farmed sources.


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